Solutions for multiple missing teeth
If you are missing multiple teeth and can see the benefit of dental implants as a solution, Puresmile Borehamwood Dental & Implants near Watford, Hertfordshire, can offer you several dental implant treatment options.
Individual implants
Dental Implants can be individually placed to replace your missing teeth, one for each missing tooth.
Fixed implant Bridge
Two or more implants may be used to replace multiple missing teeth. The implants provide the support for a bridge which will span the space of the missing teeth. For more information see our Dental Implant bridge page.
A removable Retained Denture
This option is available when you are missing all your upper or lower teeth. A few implants will be required to hold a denture securely in place, providing a great improvement from traditional removable dentures. This will enable you to eat the foods you love and smile with confidence. For more information see our Implant Retained dentures page.
Full Mouth Implants
For patients who are missing all of their teeth, we also offer full mouth implants that have a natural look, function in the same way as natural teeth and provide an excellent alternative to dentures. Full mouth dental implants are strong and long lasting because they are attached firmly to the jawbone and can be cleaned in the same way as natural teeth.