In some instances it is possible to remove teeth and place implants immediately into the extraction socket (an ‘instant implant’). These include All-on-4 dental implants, also known as Teeth in a Day and Same Day Smiles. With the All-on-4 system four titanium dental implants are used as a foundation for a full arch of teeth. It is called “All-on-4” because only four implants are needed due to the unique positioning of the dental implants. New teeth such as dentures or bridges can then be attached to the dental implants, with treatment often complete in a single day. See our Teeth-in-a-Day page for more information.
You need not suffer with missing teeth or loose dentures any more.
Book a Dental Implant consultation with our Borehamwood dental team by calling: 020 8953 3665 or email [email protected]