
  • Fed up with loose dentures. Dental implants are the answer

    Dentures are a great alternative to missing teeth, but many denture wearers find they struggle to keep them secure, often experience sore spots or find it hard to speak clearly and eat certain foods like apples or steaks. Although every effort is made to produce comfortable dentures, denture wearers may find that their previously well fitting dentures become loose. This is because over time bone is lost from the jaw due to lack of natural teeth.


    The good news is that recent advances in dentistry have solved this problem by combining dentures with dental implants. Implant retained dentures are dentures that fit securely onto dental implants, which sit solidly in your gums, much like natural teeth.

    This treatment is suitable for both upper and lower sets of teeth and is a cost effective way of replacing many missing teeth. A lower denture for example may only need two conventional implants to give a completely life-changing transformation. You’ll be able to chew foods without worry and smile with confidence in social situations you may have found embarrassing in the past. No more sore spots, adhesives or embarrassing situations.

    At our dental practice we offer a free consultation on dental implants with our experienced team. Why not contact us today and find out if dental implants are right for you and meet the team in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

    Contact us today for more information